Saturday, May 29, 2010

Navjot Singh (Aerospace - 2009 Batch) on Musica Universalis

Graced by the presence of Anandamayee Tej Ma'am the last session of this semester ended on a musical tone.

The divine music of nature, the Platonic solids, the Keplerian Laws - it's as if a web of reality. It was mostly about how the ratio of planet's length & angular velocity from each other match with the musical harmonies. A journey on the shoulder of giants - into the world of music and maths - and our journey into this symmetry with Navjot as the spearhead!

Not much of a discussion followed due to the informative nature of the topic, however Ramiz and Rakesh shed their views on the topic.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rakesh Laxman (Physical Science - 2009 Batch) on Euler-Lagrange equation

The heavy shower took a toll on the turnout. However, those who were present, enjoyed the flow of free minds.

The Euler-Lagrange equation is a very helpful tool in solving various problem of mechanics. It was fascinating knowing that; what we think wasn't that way, its slightly different. Motion that is supposed to be parabolic is actually an arc of a cycloid. A mathematical challenge that helps a lot in solving mechanics problem. Few topics are explored in this field and there are still lots to behold.

With the eloquence of Rakesh and the interactions with Navjot, the third evening of the Physics Club turned out to be a success.

Annam Madhulika (Avionics - 2009 Batch) on Time Travel

From science fiction to its journey through the minds of the likes of Einstein - It was on how theory supports possibility that you can go into the past or the future. Concepts of Worm Holes and travelling with speed greater than 'c'. Paradoxes and their resolutions. It packed a punch!

Solutions to paradox can be given by two theories. First, concept of parallel universe and second, forces that restrict us to do anything in past (like if we would want to fly there is gravity; it would restrict us to fly and stay on ground).

Overall, it was an exciting half hour and the talk was enjoyed by all. Hot discussion by Praveen, Akshay, Rakesh, Aritra and Harsh kept the crowd alive apart from the simplified and fluent talk by Madhulika.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Harsh Agarwal (Aerospace - 2009 Batch) on Perpetual Motion Machine

The Physics Club inaugurates its activities on Monday 10th May 2010, with an open discussion on Perpetual Motion Machine.

A class III Impossibility where the existing physical laws of Thermodynamics already denies its existence. However the lifelong experiments of a host of scientists and their failed efforts on making one, made an amusing and knowledgeable evening discussion.

Proving and disproving went along the way. Divyanshu, Akshay, Madhav, Rakesh, Rajil and Aritra - a healthy discussion kept the spirit of the physics club alive.